We started advertising our program through the news and social networks, as teachers wrote in their reviews that such a program should be permanent. Here is the latest news. As part of the international project "Training to Teaching Online in Wartime and After (U-train)", the participants completed some tasks and presented the results of their work
Within the project Training to Teach Online in Wartime and After (U-train), a collaboration among universities in Sweden Ukraine and Azerbaijan, teachers from Ukraine are offered a capacity building program through an online course offered in the Autumn 2023. It is estimated the course to require 180 hours of work that is worth 6 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). These are academic hours equal to 40 minutes.
are five modules in the course. Four of them are designed as a preparation for
going through Module 5 that consists of Online Course Improvement Activity
(OCIA), a project that can be performed individually or in a team in
collaboration with the members of U-train project.
Besides the learning experience, teachers who finish the course are awarded certificates.
Those creating the best three OCIAs participate at the final 3-days workshop to be held in Stockholm in Spring 2024 at the expense of the U-train project.
- Teacher: Razia Isaeva
- Teacher: Ihor Katernyak
- Teacher: Oleksiy Kushnir
- Teacher: Viktoriia Loboda
- Teacher: Iskra Popova